Sheridan Williams

Services provided:

Articles - Material supplied for magazines, newspapers travel companies

Consultancy - Advice, data, maps and other eclipse-related material produced to order

Media presentations - Talks, displays, tutorials and other face-to-face presentations

Eclipse tour guide - available to lead tour groups to eclipses

Sheridan is a professional lecturer, Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Association (FRAS) and Assistant Director of the Computing Section of the British Astronomical Association, and is available any time to offer the services described above.

He has been to 19 solar eclipses among them Argentina, Sulawesi, Australia, Madagascar, Sumatra, Siberia and the Atacama desert in Peru and the Gobi desert in China.

As a traveller, mathematician and ex rocket-scientist, he has the qualifications and background to make talks and other material fascinating.

Sheridan was also the editor of a computer magazine for over 15 years, and contributed a regular column to Personal Computer World magazine for several years. He is now a guide and speaker at the National Museum of Computing (located on the Bletchley Park site) which houses working versions of the world's first electronic programmable digital computer - Colossus. and the Turing/Welchman Bombe.

Eclipse articles have also been produced for Astronomy Now magazine, various Scottish newspapers, and national newspaper supplements.

Sheridan co-presented Sky's eclipse coverage from Pendennis Castle in Cornwall in August 1999.
He also appeared on the Discovery Channel, Sky News, and the children's programme "Milk Bar" on Channel 5.
Other appearances include: Channel 4's Big Breakfast, Radio 5's AM program, Radio 4's "Excess Baggage", Classic Gold and Chiltern FM.

Sheridan worked with Patrick Moore compiling eclipse data for the Guinness Book of Astronomy.

As eclipse consultant he produced the eclipse maps, charts and other details for the Bradt travel guide:
 Africa and Madagascar Total Eclipse 2001 & 2002

2008 & 2009 Total Solar Eclipse - Bradt Travel Guide.

Sheridan is the resident eclipse expert/guide on the Ancient World Tours (part of the Kuoni Group) tour to Libya / Egypt for the 2006 total solar eclipse in March 2006.

His book UK Solar Eclipses from year 1 to 3000AD is the definitive guide for British and Irish solar eclipses.

Contact details

Tel: 01525 237370 if no answer please phone my mobile (do not use the mobile number unless there is no reply on the land line)
Mobile: 07767 788146 - if no answer, please send a text message

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